Tag Archives: schalit

The Ongoing European Attempt To Subvert Israeli Democracy

UPDATE: Israel is releasing 550 more prisoners today as part of the Gilad Shalit exchange–44 of whom are classified as “security prisoners”. By the way, one of the initial group of prisoners released in October has already been rearrested by … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1933, Abbas, administration, agreements, ashkenazi jews, association, attempt, backfire, Barak, block, coalition, dead end, december 18 1930, democracy, democratic, elections, eu, european, forces, german, gilad, Israel, Israeli, isreal, Judea, lack, land of israel, leftist, lieberman, likud, mahmoud, martin schulz, membership, museum road, Netanyahu, ngos, Obama, olmert, parliament, president, prisoners, progress, rabin, release, rightist, Samaria, schalit, security, Shalit, shanghai, socialist, subvert, undermine, west bank, Zionist | Comments Off on The Ongoing European Attempt To Subvert Israeli Democracy