Tag Archives: sinai

The Battle Intensifies Between the Knesset and the Supreme Court

30 Nissan 5778 15 April 2018   Cartoons of the day: Cartoon 1: Note that the judge on the right is in the Israel Supreme Court (Bagat). Rulings undermining Israel are like missiles being shot at the country. The missiles are labeled … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged assaf, Binkon, breaking the silence, brouhaha, from gaza into israel, gabbay, hamoked, hevron, high court of justice, incitement, infiltrators, ir amin, Israel, judicial activism, Knesset, liberal judicial elite, Machsom Watch, new israel fund, opening supermarkets on Shabbat, override, rabbis for human rights, reform at the Kotel, shatil, sinai, supreme court, the Amona evacuation, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, the Knesset has been emasculated, tunnel, ultimate power in Israel, yatta, yesh din | Comments Off on The Battle Intensifies Between the Knesset and the Supreme Court