Tag Archives: then there will be an increasing feeling that if we cannot get a peace with a leadership that it committed to non-violence

John Kerry’s Remarkable Tirade On Israeli TV Last Night

UPDATES 11 am Israel time, Friday, November 8 2013: **Palestinian terrorist violence has continued to spiral out of control over the last 24 hours. Yesterday morning, Kiryat Malachi and surrounding areas had two separate warning sirens for incoming rockets from … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged all of the Arab communities that have not made peace with Israel will make peace immediately, and end the presence of Israeli soldiers perpetually within the West Bank, and the last thing that Israel wants to see is a return to violence, are going to begin again to push in a different way, ariel, between jerusalem and bethlehem, burned, burned alive, but I’ve got news for you, castigated israel, channel 2, checkpoint, coherence, convoy, disjointed syntax, does Israel want a third intifada, ein kerem, embraced palestinian positions, exit the base, false alarms, freedom of worship, freeze, Gaza, hebrew university, Hezbollah, How do you think that a picture of Mahmoud Abbas hugging murderers that killed children 20 or 30 years ago and saying that they are heroes of the Palestinian people, hunger strike, if we do not find a way to find peace there will be increasing isolation of Israel, in Egypt, incoming rockets, intimidation, iranian, is full of turmoil today, Israel, israeli tv, isreal, issawiya, Jerusalem, john kerry, judaisms holiest place, killed, Kiryat Malachi, molotov cocktails, neighbors, nuclear weapons program, of Lebanon, others, palestinian violence, people say we feel safe, potential of chaos, praying, refugees, relieved, resolve, sanctions, stabbed, suggesting a third intifada and increased violence, tapuach junction, tekoa, temple mount, temple mount institute, that we not resolve the question of settlements and who lives where and how and what rights they have, the Arab Peace Initiative which has been restated by the entire Arab community says that the day that Israel makes peace with Palestine, the Arab world, the day they sign that peace, the palestinians, the world that is around Israel, then there will be an increasing feeling that if we cannot get a peace with a leadership that it committed to non-violence, there will be an increasing campaign of delegitimization of Israel that has [already] been taking place on an international basis, threatening israelis with violence, threats, tirade, today’s status quo will not be tomorrow's or next year's because if we don’t resolve this issue, udi segal, warning sirens, we have the wall, we know the struggle of Syria obviously, we’re doing pretty well economically, we’re not in a day to day conflict, we’ve seen what has happened in the Maghreb in Tunisia, what planet kerry lives on, what's going on in Yemen, yehuda glick, you know in Libya, you may wind up with leadership that is committed to violence | Comments Off on John Kerry’s Remarkable Tirade On Israeli TV Last Night