Tag Archives: Uja

The Most Hilarious Quotation of the Day

6 Adar II 5779 13 March 2019   The News  On The Israeli Street Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . In Judea and Samaria: Palestinian terrorists assaulted Israeli motorists with Molotovs and “rocks” at Curve 160 between … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged anti-semitic, april 9th election, ayelet shaked, BDS, beit ummar, bitton, bombs, bus, children, construction, Curve 160 between Kiryat Arba and Hevron, fake news, freeze, fucking jews, gaza border, golan heights, grenades, housing, ieds, investigation, israel-bashing, Jerusalem, judges, kahlon, kollardi, lara al qasssem, military advocates office, netzach yehuda, norwegian rapper, occupied territory, reasonable grounds for suspicion of misconduct by soldiers, recognition, Turmusayya, Uja, west bank | Comments Off on The Most Hilarious Quotation of the Day