Tag Archives: why

Do You Want To Know Why We Israelis In The South Are Angry?

UPDATES: Please note that because of increased terrorist attacks today, breaking news having to do with terrorist missile strikes will be posted here instead of in the israelstreet breaking news ticker. 10:00 pm: An unexpectedly quiet day here in southern … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1956, activists, angry, ashkelon, attack, blockade, bomb, border, commander, community, criminals, defend, deport, eshkol, faith, farm, fire, Flotilla, friday, Gaza, government, grad, halt, hamas, history, hit, iaf, IDF, islamic, Israel, Israeli, Jerusalem, jihad, kadesh, kibbutz, killed, legal, lose, missile, mortar, moshav, negev, night, november 6, operation, palestine, Palestinians, post, qassam, quiet, region, revenge, rocket, saturday, senior, shelter, sirens, south, strike, sunday, terrorist, update, vocabulary, western, why, wounded | Comments Off on Do You Want To Know Why We Israelis In The South Are Angry?