Tag Archives: worth

Gilad Shalit: Coming Home At Last

UPDATE: GILAD SHALIT TO BE RELEASED. The news came last night as we were sitting in the Burger Bar restaurant on the Eilat promenade waiting for our order to come up. First, my wife’s phone started ringing with a friend … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1027, 280, 450, 577, a-Sayed, Abbas, abdullah, Ahmed, alive, amina, arabs, bar, Barghouti, burger, Cairo, change, channel, coming, deported, Egypt, eilat, fatah, Gaza, germany, gilad, golan, grace, Hamed, Hassan, home, Ibrahim, infamous, internet, Israeli, Jerusalem, killed, land of israel, landau, lieberman, life, lives, Marwan, message, mona, more, national, negotiation, Netanyahu, not, one, oppose, Palestinian, people, phase, phone, power, prisoners, release, released, ringing, Saadat, Salama, sentence, Shalit, shalit family, signs, struggle, teenager, television, terrorists, text, than, thursday, top, tough, transfixed, union, wife, worth, yaalon | Comments Off on Gilad Shalit: Coming Home At Last