Tag Archives: yamit

The Price of “Peace”: From Gush Katif To Judea and Samaria

UPDATES 9:30 am Israel time Thursday: *Egyptian army units have now surrounded most major cities in the country in advance of Sunday’s “one million person” march against President Morsi. *The Russians have supposedly withdrawn all of their military personnel and … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10000 rockets, 17 israeli communities, 1981, 8600 residents, 90% of judea and samaria, 9482184000 shekels, absurdity, advisors, all gone, ariel sharon, august 2005, bedolah, bnei atzmon, destroy the fabric of life, dustbin of history, egyptian army, emotional, ethnic cleansing, evacuees, evicting, friends of gush Katif, gadid, gan or, ganei tal, gush katif, haaretz, hamas, Israel, isreal, jewish history of gaza, katif, kfar darom, kfar yam, krem atzmona, large metal containers, largest synagogues, launching sites, likud beiteinu, major cities, microcosm, military personnel, morag, multiplied by a factor of 20, Netanyahu, netzer hazani, neve dekalim, new palestinian state, nitzan, no family left behind, no health clinics, no libraries, no schools, no synagogues, on welfare, one million man march, peer sade, permanent housing, portable trailers, prefab housing, president morsi, rafiah yam, razing, relocated, russians, shame and disgrace to the state of israel, shirat hayam, shortsighted, slav, small jewish communities, social, song of the sea, southern gaza strip, southern israel, surrender, surrounded, Syria, tel katifa, temporary housing, terrorist bases, thrown out o fthe historical land of israel, toll, too arrogant, unemployed, uprooted from their homes, withdrawn, yamit | Comments Off on The Price of “Peace”: From Gush Katif To Judea and Samaria