Tag Archives: yesh atid

Whatever Happened To The Jerusalem Post?

12 Sivan 5780 4 June 2020     The News on the Israeli Street The daily Corona update . . .  7 am Thursday: There are now 17,377 confirmed cases of Corona in Israel of whom 14,983 have recovered. 25 people are on … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a mouthpiece for the likes of Jordan, and the American and Israeli left, annexation, benny gantz, Benny Gantz is supposed to be our Defense Minister, blood money, blue and white, canceled bennett's order, daily corona update, david brinn, Israel, jerusalem post, kushner, labor, managing editor, meretz, Netanyahu, payment of salaries to murderers of Israelis, sovereignty, the Joint Arab List, the plo, the UAE, veered to the left, yesh atid | Comments Off on Whatever Happened To The Jerusalem Post?