Tag Archives: undeclared ceasefire

A Pitiful State Of Affairs: Israel Agrees To An “Undeclared Ceasefire”

9 Av 5778 21 July 2018   The Sad Pictures of the Day Sometimes pictures can show what words cannot. Here are two pictures of the Be’eri area that show the devastation wrought on southern Israel by the fires (photos were made … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a plant used to produce components for underground infrastructures, a warehouse for unmanned aerial vehicles, Al-Bureij battalion, an entry shaft for terrorist tunnels, avigdor lieberman, calm, egyptians, factories and lathes for the manufacture of weapons, gadi eizenkot, Gaza, hamas, iaf, IDF, idf soldier, Israel, military war rooms, missiles, mortars, netanyahu security cabinet, pathetic, pitiful, poppies, qassam brigades, sniper, terrorists, the headquarters of the Khan Yunis brigade, training compounds, undeclared ceasefire, united nations | Comments Off on A Pitiful State Of Affairs: Israel Agrees To An “Undeclared Ceasefire”