Name the Fool: Blair, the Palestinans, or Netanyahu?

Today I ask the question: who is the biggest fool–Tony Blair (representative of the Quartet), the Palestinians, or Netanyahu?  Yesterday, Netanyahu conceded the following to Blair and the Palestinians: more Arab construction in East Jerusalem, fewer security checkpoints, more economic assistance from Israel to the West Bank and Gaza, and Palestinian take-over of security in seven towns–all designed to get the PalestiniansThere are also injections, testosterone supplements, and other serums cialis 25mg that can help with the issue overall. Yanking away at the penis during cialis no prescription mastercard masturbation or intercourse with a partner. Diminished autography also contribute to mitochondrial injury and formation of Mallory- Denk bodies. cialis prices We’ve generic viagra price all heard of generic drugs before. to the negotiating table. What was the Palestinian reaction this morning? Erekat: “It’s a trick. If Israel really wants us to negotiate, it must declare a Palestinian state and stop construction everywhere.”  So let’s see: Blair got everything he wanted, the Palestinians once again got concessions in exchange for nothing, and Netanyahu is left looking like a fool.

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