Monthly Archives: November 2013

Eden Atias, Proud Son Of Israel: May Your Memory Be Blessed

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Thursday, November 14 2013: **The circus in Washington continued apace yesterday as the Obama Administration frenetically tried to tamp down Congressional support for increasing sanctions on Iran. First we had the ringleader, Secretary of State … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 16 years old, 18 years old, abu vesnina, afula, appeasement, attempted murder, basic training, Beit Hadassah in Hebron, bethlehem, blasting israel, buried, bus, buy time, child, circus, died, Eden Atias, eden come home, fell asleep, fighting for life, frenetically, gilad farm, hadassah hospital, he was sent by Abu Mazen and his associates in the PA, hospital, hussein jawadra, i believe the israelis, illegally entered israel, Illinois, iran, iranians, Israel, isreal, Jenin, Jerusalem, Jewish Blood Is Not Cheap, mark kirk, May Your Memory Be Blessed, multiple stab wounds, murder, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, nazareth illit, negotiations, neville chamberlain, nuclear program, obama administration, one of the most anti-Israel briefings I've heard, out on the street to kill again, Palestinian murderers should receive the death penalty, palestinian terrorists, paramedics, Proud Son Of Israel, rachels tomb, ringleader, sanctions, Secretary of State John Kerry, senator, serve his country, stabbing, strawberry tariq, tradition, two in his neck, two more in his heart, Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, washington, yitzhar | Comments Off on Eden Atias, Proud Son Of Israel: May Your Memory Be Blessed