The Terror Attack On The Gaza Border Last Night

29 Tammuz 5779

1 August 2019



The News On The Israeli Street

From the Gaza border:

See Today’s Blog below for information about the major terror attack on the border last night.

More explosive balloons were launched into southern Israel yesterday, and more fires were started. Here is a smoky picture from the fire at Kibbutz Alumim:

It took firefighters several hours to gain control over this fire.

It took firefighters several hours to gain control over this fire.

From Judea and Samaria:

Terror attacks took place at Karni Shomron, Ofra, Ma’ale Levona (the south junction), Kfar Hizma, north of Efrat in Gush Etzion, Azzun, Tekoa, Luban a-Sharqiya, along Road 443, and near the Tapuach Junction.

A follow-up to the Netanyahu decision to build Palestinian homes in Area C . . .

We reported yesterday that PM Netanyahu won cabinet approval two days ago to approve 700 new Palestinian homes in Area C. Later in the day, that reported number rose to 715 and by last night had reached 745.

Details of the security cabinet discussion which were released last night reveal that Netanyahu had actually sought approval for many more homes than that but was turned down by his minions. And whereas, we had given 4 theories yesterday of why this incredible decision was made, more emerged afterward.

Some cabinet members said afterward that Netanyahu said the homes were necessary in order to stop a complaint from being lodged at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. If this is true, it is an embarassing surrender to the current PLO campaign of calling all Israeli actions in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem “war crimes.”

Oddly enough, the PLO expressed another rationale yesterday. Harshly critical of the decision, the PLO said that Israel has no right to approve any Palestinian construction anywhere–and that by approving the 745 homes, Israel was de facto annexing the area and applying Israeli sovereignty over it. This opinion was immediately supported by all of the self-described “human rights” organizations operating in Israel.

By the way, whether or not there will be an Arab summit meeting at Camp David in Washington  (this was one of yesterday’s theories) is very much up in the air at the moment with the White House saying that no such meeting is in the works.



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The Terror Attack On The Gaza Border Last Night

At approximately 2:30 am last night, there was yet another Palestinian infiltration attempt into southern Israel.

“Yet another” because regular readers of israelstreet know that such attempts take place everyday.

This time, a heavily armed, uniformed, Hamas terrorist breached the border fence in the area of southern Gaza. When he was intercepted by a platoon of Golani soldiers, he opened fire with a machine gun and threw at least one grenade.

Three of our soldiers were wounded including an officer who is in “critical” condition, and two other soldiers listed in “moderate” condition.

The helicopter that evacuated the wounded soldiers landing at Soroka Hospital in Beersheva last night.

The helicopter that evacuated the wounded soldiers landing at Soroka Hospital in Beersheva last night. You can see soldiers being carried out in the right of the photograph,

The terrorist was shot and killed by other Golani soldiers.

In response to the attack, the IDF “attacked” another empty “Hamas observation post” out in the sand dunes with tank fire:

Another empty, ramshackle "Hamas post" hit by IDF tank fire. Notice the "ho-hum" attitude of the people standing around.

Another empty “Hamas post” hit by IDF tank fire. Notice the “ho-hum” attitude of the people standing around. If you think about it, it is shocking that IDF tank fire could not even completely destroy a ramshackle “post” made of corrugated metal.

What was not surprising yet nauseatingly amazing about this incident was how the IDF spokesman quickly came to the podium and said that this was merely an “individual terror attack” and had nothing to do with Hamas.

Stop and think about that.

A terrorist wearing a Hamas uniform, carrying a Hamas-issued machine gun, and wearing a vest packed with Hamas grenades had nothing to do with Hamas.

It is just insane. 

As is the fact that the same spokesman was eager to point out that all of the fuel, construction materials, and other items once considered prohibited will continue flowing into Gaza as normal today.

It is just insane.

This entry was posted in News and tagged along Road 443, applying Israeli sovereignty over it, azzun, beersheva, de facto annexing the area, golani, grenades, hamas, individual terror attack, international criminal court, Israel, judea and samaria, karni shomron, Kfar Hizma, Luban a-Sharqiya, Ma’ale Levona (the south junction), machine gun, north of Efrat in Gush Etzion, ofra, platoon, plo, soroka hospital, tekoa, the hague, uniform. Bookmark the permalink.

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