8 Tishrei 5781
26 September 2020
Thank you for making OneIsrael such a success! In the last three years, we have been visited more than 11.5 million times and will easily pass 12 million in a few more months.
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The daily Corona update as of 8 am this morning:

What do you think you are looking at? Note the -3 in the upper right, the arrow on the floor, and the 3337 on a space on the floor. This is a photo taken yesterday of the underground parking garage at Rambam Hospital in Haifa which has been converted into a Corona ward because space has run out in the hospital.
There are 217,899 confirmed cases—an increase of 5,784 since this time yesterday
153,574 of these confirmed cases have recovered—an increase of 4,761
708 are in critical condition—an increase of 23
178 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—an increase of 6
1,412 have died–an increase of 34
There are now 64,325 active Corona cases in Israel.
Corona detection rates yesterday:
1 in 3 tested in the ultra-orthodox city of Beitar Illit tested positive
1 in 4 tested in the religious city of Bnei Brak tested positive
1 in 13 tested in Tel Aviv tested positive
In one particular religious compound (Gur Hasidic) compound in Jerusalem, 520 students were tested yesterday; 260 tested positive.
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Israel Becomes The Theater Of The Absurd
All of us living in Israel have become characters in a theater of the absurd. Consider three quotes from yesterday:
Quote 1:
“Corona will not leave Israel until Netanyahu is forced from office.”
Former PM Ehud Barak in a twitter post yesterday
So now we have it! Netanyahu causes Corona!! Your humble servant wonders what will happen worldwide if Netanyahu leaves office? Would the worldwide pandemic come to an end?
Seriously, the depth of Netanyahu hatred evinced by people like Ehud Barak has yet to be plumbed. For them, Netanyahu is the source of all evil; just say his name and their eyes glaze over.
As for Barak, who has been financially associated with dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, this quote is just another indication of his apparent slide into dementia.
Quotes 2 and 3:
“We will not allow the government to pass any regulations or restrictions on people who are protesting against the government.”
A statement from the Kahol Lavon (Blue and White) Party yesterday
“We will not allow emergency regulations to be implemented against the demonstrations against Netanyahu.”
So-called “Defense” Minister Benny Gantz, the head of the Blue and White Party speaking yesterday
What in the world is going on? Unlimited Black Flag demonstrations in the middle of a massive Corona outbreak? Supported by the Party that is supposed to be in the Emergency Coalition government?
And guess what?
The Black Flaggers have announced that there will be massive demonstrations all over Israel tonight despite the lockdown.
To top it off, the Black Flag movement is calling for a massive “Whistling Contempt for Netanyahu” tomorrow night as Yom Kippur begins. Everyone is supposed to go out on their balcony at 8:00 pm and whistle.
They might as well go out and howl at the moon for all the good they will do.
As we have been writing for months now, the situation in this country has become surreal. We are living in a theater of the absurd.