22 Tishrei 5781
10 October 2020
The Unfortunate Video of the Day
No one doubts that a few of the 34 sects within the ultra-orthodox community have exacerbated the Corona problem by not adhering to mask and social distancing regulations. They have also violated restrictions on limiting gatherings.
Having said that, the events of the last few days have been disconcerting to say the least. In the video below taken several nights ago, police violently raided a synagogue of the Jerusalem Faction.
Yes, a group of men were praying in a confined area without masks. But they were doing so non-violently. Click here to see what happened during this 15 second video of the police raid in Modi’in Illit.
What do you think? Did the police overreact or was their action necessary to enforce the rules?
The rules, by the way, that no one is obeying on the beaches of Tel Aviv.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists set fires in the area of Maoz Zvi and Mevo Dotan forcing two dozen families to evacuate.
According to security official on the scene: “We are currently working hard to prevent the fire from reaching the houses of the community. This is a terrorist incident for all intents and purposes.”
The daily Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
Corona statistics this morning:
There are 287,858 confirmed cases—an increase of 2,522
225,248 of these confirmed cases have recovered—an increase of 3,677
860 are in critical condition—a decrease of 5
241 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 3
1,886 have died–an increase of 22
There are now 62,610 active Corona cases in Israel.
There is little to add except what we write every Saturday and Sunday which is that very little testing or test processing takes place between noon Friday and noon Sunday.
Netanyahu to visit the UAE and Bahrain? . . .
Reports this morning indicate that PM Netanyahu is keen to make a visit to the UAE and Bahrain in the coming month. However, the Emirates are demanding payment in the form of an Israeli green light to their purchase of F35s from the U.S.
As we all know, PM Netanyahu almost certainly surreptitiously signed off on this deal before the peace agreement was signed, but the UAE apparently wants a public declaration of Israel’s acquiescence.
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All of this led to an explosion of negative comments on Israeli social media this morning. Here are some of the comments:
“Netanyahu abandons our security interests in exchange for glorifying his name.”
“Bibi must travel urgently to forget about the Corona and the economy.”
“Not just Bibi, also Sara, Yair, Avner, the girlfriends, the babysitter, the hairdresser, and 25 suitcases of laundry .”
“Closure over the whole country and what interests him is going to UAE and Bahrain.
“Peace for peace. LOL.”
What Would A Biden Presidency Mean For Israel?

Biden’s vice-presidential choice Kamala Harris speaking at a rally. Note the sign in the background “Standing with Muslims.” More importantly, note two of the women in red standing beside Harris. They are Negar Mortazavi and Jasmine Tayeb–two prominent members of the pro-Iranian lobby group NIAC (National Iranian American Council).
What would a Biden presidency mean for Israel?
It is a simple question with simple answers.
On the subject of pro-Israel groups in the U.S., Biden would embrace the decidedly non-pro-Israel J Street just as Obama did.
On the subject of the military/economic annual aid package to Israel, there would be no change.
On the subject of support for Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, there would be no change.
On the subject of the move of the American Embassy to Jerusalem, Biden would express disapproval but probably not move the Embassy back to Tel Aviv.
On the subject of declaring Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, Biden would disapprove but probably not revoke Trump’s declaration.
On the subject of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, Biden would revoke Trump’s declaration that they are “not illegal,” demand a construction freeze, and condemn “settlements.”
On the subject of “Palestine”, Biden will return to the two-state mantra and urge negotiations based on the June 4, 1967 lines (aka 1949 Armistice lines) and once again open the money tap to the PLO.
On the subject of social issues in Israel, Biden will silently and perhaps even openly advocate for the anti-Bibi Black Flag “democracy” demonstrators, Women of the Wall, and a host of so-called “human rights” organizations operating here.
However the biggest change of all (as the photo at the top of Today’s Blog suggests) will come regionally as Biden will immediately move to lift all sanctions from Iran, return to the Nuclear Weapons Appeasement Deal, and turn a blind eye to Iranian support for terrorism throughout the area.
Joe Biden will be Barack Obama all over again–and that is most assuredly not good for Israel.