Yom Shishee
8 Kislev 5782
November 12 2021
The Photos Of The Day
(Some of Whom We Are Resupplying In Gaza)

At an Islamic Jihad parade in Gaza yesterday. Islamic Jihad works hand in hand with Hamas in Gaza. As you look at the photos, note the sophistication of the weapons.
And yet another:
The parade was in honor of Islamic Jihad terrorist Baha Abu al-Ata who Israel dispatched in a missile strike on November 12 2019.
Your humble servant finds it amazing that Israel has stepped up supplies to Gaza knowing full well that most of the materials are going straight to Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terrorists run amok in Judea and Samaria . . .
Palestinian terrorists detonated an IED near a Jewish community near Shechem.
Palestinian terrorists attacked military vehicles on the access road to the Baal Hatzor base.
Palestinian terrorists attacked buses near the Avraham Hassano Junction southwest of Hevron, near Givat Assaf (passenger wounded), and between Hizma and Anatot (driver wounded).
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli motorists with “rocks” and Molotovs south of Ofra, south of the Large Yitzhar Junction, in the Beit Furik area between Elon Moreh and Itamar, on the Hevron-Gush Etzion Road near Al-Aruv, on Road 465, at the Barkan Junction, and near the Huwara Bypass.
All incidents above were reported by citizens on the ground to Rescue Without Borders Judea and Samaria, hamal, and rotter.
Two bizarre stories from Turkey today . . .
First, as you may not have heard, an Israeli couple from Modi’in decided to go to Istanbul this past week for a vacation.
Part of that vacation was taking a cruise along the Bosphorus. Like normal tourists, the couple was taking photographs of the sights–when suddenly they were arrested, taken off the boat, and jailed.
Why? It turns out that they took a photo of PM Erdogan’s palace compound.
This morning, a Turkish judge is reportedly going to order them released and deported.
Of course, the moral of the story is why would any Israeli want to vacation in virulently anti-Israel Turkey (except for the fact that Turkish Airlines has embarked on a massive advertising campaign on Israeli television). It is an especially bad time because of Turkey’s arrest of 15 alleged Mossad agents there last week.
Update: The judge did not release the couple as expected and instead ordered them detained for 20 more days as a Turkish prosecutor prepares charges of espionage.
Second, do you remember the last remaining Jew in Afghanistan?
Zebulon Simantov, who said he would never leave, finally decided to depart when his situation became too dangerous.
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He was rescued by Moti Kahana, an Israeli who specializes in getting people out of difficult situations. However, Simantov had no interest in coming to Israel despite the fact that he has two daughters, a brother, and a sister living in Holon.
Instead he demanded to go to the U.S. However, it turns out that Simantov had never completed the paperwork necessary to gain entrance to the U.S. (a 2 year process) and ended up in a hotel in Istanbul where he has been comfortably ensconced since his “rescue” with all expenses paid by Kahana.
Now, Kahana has announced that he no longer wants to pay for and babysit Simantov, and for his part, Simantov has announced that he is willing to come to Israel–if someone will pay him $10 million dollars to cover the supposed cost of the property he left in Kabul.
And buy him a new coat.
More mixed Corona messages from the Health and Education Ministries . . .
This is a day that has seen a warning from both ministries to the effect that if children aged 5-11 are not vaccinated, we will most likely see a 4th wave of Covid-19 sweep the country.
Followed by a relaxation of virtually all Corona restrictions–particularly as they relate to the coming holiday of Chanukah (parties of up to 1000 people are now permitted with no checking of the green passport).
Who knows what to believe or do anymore?
The Catastrophe at Mossad
It reads: Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety (taken from Proverbs 11:14).
It was a mere 4 months ago that Mossad was probably the most revered secret agency on the planet. Mossad Director Yossi Cohen had just finished his term–a term that saw Israeli success on every front especially that of Iran.
Following Cohen’s planned departure, David Barnea was named as his successor.
Apparently, he decided to completely reorganize the Mossad.
Now, it turns out that in the last few weeks, Mossad has been turned upside down by the resignations of three of its most senior officials:
*the head of foreign agent operations
*the head of the counter-terror division
*the head of the technology division
Apparently a fourth senior official, the head of the strategic division is also on the verge of quitting.
There is no way to sugar coat what has happened. Mossad has lost three of its most experienced people who were in three of its most sensitive positions.
Simply put, Israel is more vulnerable today than it was a month ago.
Far more vulnerable.
On that unhappy note:
Shabbat Shalom From Here In Israel!
(Please note that OneIsrael does not appear on Shabbat unless circumstances dictate)