Yom Rishon
17 Kislev 5782
November 21 2021
Murdered This Morning On The Temple Mount
Kay who was about to get married was gunned down in a barbaric attack near the Chain Gate on the Temple Mount (see Today’s Blog below).
May his memory always be for a blessing.
Three other Israelis were wounded in the attack, two policewomen who were wounded as they eliminated the terrorist (they have already been released from the hospital), and Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Ben Tova who remains in critical condition. His wife has asked for prayers for her husband.
The Absolutely Correct Quote of the Day
“Today a Jew was murdered because he is a Jew, in the Land of Israel, in the State of Israel, near the remains of our Temple. May G-d avenge his blood.
According to reports, the terrorist walked around and gave lessons on the Temple Mount and is known as a Hamas man. Its members will be able to continue to ascend the Temple Mount and guide tours. Jews will be forbidden to pray on the mount.
Do you think that is how you fight terrorism?”
MK Simcha Rothman, Knesset Member of the Religious Zionist Party.
The Utterly Atrocious Quote of the Day
“The most important thing is to make sure that armed Jewish or Palestinian people do not enter Jerusalem; it does not matter.”
MK Yoaz Hendel, Minister of Communication in the Coalition government
Say what? A Hamas terrorist enters the Temple Mount, opens fire with a machine gun and kills 1 man and wounds 3 more, and Hendel wants to compare Jews and terrorists?
When was the last time a Jew entered Jerusalem, pulled out a machine gun or any gun and killed people?
The Photo of the Weekend

A demonstration in Jerusalem this weekend against the government. The signs read “Bennett is dangerous.”
As evidenced by the events of the day, Bennett and the government he leads are indeed dangerous.
The News on the Israeli Street
The weekly Corona update . . .
The number of people confirmed with Corona over the weekend: 497 (an increase of 268 from last week).
The total number of active cases: 5,233 (a drop of 273 from last week)
The positive test rate: 0.65% (down from 0.74% last week)
In serious condition: 133 (a drop of 17 from last week)
In critical condition: 82 (a drop of 27 from last week)
The number who have died of Corona since the beginning of the pandemic: 8,154 (an increase of 11 from last week)
The number trending in the wrong direction is the number who were confirmed over the weekend. That, along with the fact that the R factor (the coefficient of infection) is now over 1 again, is leading health officials to declare this morning that Corona is back.
6,264,253 Israelis have received one dose (an increase of 8,146 since last Sunday).
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5,762,467 Israelis have received two doses (an increase of 9,656 since last Sunday).
4,041,907 Israelis have received three doses (an increase of 26,189 since last Sunday).
The vaccination rollout for 5-11 year olds will begin tomorrow. How many Israeli parents will vaccinate their kids is very debatable.
Another absurd decision from our “Defense” Minister . . .
After yet another idiotic investigation by Benny Gantz’s Ministry of Defense, it has been determined that terrorist Asraa Khazimia, who tried to stab police officers in the Old City of Jerusalem a month and a half ago, was mentally ill.
Therefore, her body was returned to her family today.
Mentally ill? Sure . . . she was so mentally ill that she secreted a butcher knife into an area leading to the Temple Mount, identified two soldiers, and shouted Allahu Abkar as she began to stab them.
Your humble servant leaves it to you dear reader to draw your own conclusions.
Speaking of your humble servant . . .
He was severely repulsed at the sight of PLO flags in the streets of Brooklyn last night as people protested the verdict in the Rittenhouse case.
In fact, only two types of flags were being waved at the march: the PLO flag and the “Gay Rights” flag. Your humble servant couldn’t help but think of the strange juxtaposition of the the flag of a group that tramples human rights alongside one that supports such rights.
That march organizers would countenance PLO flags in their midst speaks volumes.
The Hamas Terror Attack On The Temple Mount This Morning
Our moronic government will do everything to avoid calling this morning’s terror attack what it was. It will do everything to distance their Hamas partners from the murder by saying that the terrorist was a lone wolf.
But let’s state the obvious.
This was a Hamas terror attack.

A Hamas policeman handing out candy on the streets of Gaza after the terror attack in Jerusalem was announced.
It was a Hamas terror attack carried out by a card-carrying member of Hamas.
The murderous terrorist was named Fadi Abu Shahidam (alternately spelled Shkhaydam). His name “Abu Shahidam” means that his oldest son is named Shahidam. The terrorist named his son a name that means “a martyr for Islam.”
It was a Hamas terror attack that was planned far in advance.
Some time ago the murderer sent all of children abroad. Three days ago, his wife left for overseas.
Fadi Abu Shahidam was an employee of the Jerusalem municipality as teacher of Islam at Rashidiya (an Arab-Israeli school beside the Rockefeller Museum) under the authority of the Israel Ministry of Education at which he undoubtedly indoctrinated countless young people with his murderous ideology.
One of those people was his own son who posted this afterwards:
“You lived like a lion and died like a lion.”

The murderer and his proud son. How long will it be until the son follows in his father’s footsteps? Or the students at the school where he taught?
So what will our cowardly government’s response to this Hamas murder be?
You can be sure that the trucks delivering fuel and construction supplies will continue rolling into Gaza tomorrow morning.
Addendum: Already there has been a copycat attack this afternoon in Yaffo where a 67-year-old man was stabbed on the street. There is no further information at this moment about the attack.