The Daily Corona Update: No Good News

7 Tammuz 5780

19 July 2020



Graphic of the Day:

The "protest sheet" that is being given out to "protesters" by the New Israel Fund.

The “protest sheet” that is being given out to “protesters” by the New Israel Fund.

There’s nothing really remarkable about the “protest sheet”; it is probably the same protest sheet used by protesters around the world. If there are any strange things about the sheet, they are that the cameras used at protests are cellphone cameras (and you are supposed to turn off your phone), the drawing of the earplugs make them look like a hand grenade, and prescription meds are ok (does this say something about the age of the protesters), but “drugs” are not.

More than this, the protesters, who are presumably at the protest as an expression of his or her identity, are supposed to cover their tattoos–which are one of the primary ways that people express their identity these days.

The bottom line here is that the New Israel Fund must be reveling in the anti-Netanyahu protests now sweeping Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.


 The News on the Israeli Street

Jerusalem and Tel Aviv rocked by demonstrations . . .

As we wrote yesterday and above, all of the anti-Netanyahu forces in the country are being urged out of the woodwork by the likes of the New Israel Fund. 

Last night, an estimated 1,500 demonstrated in front of PM Netanyahu’s Jerusalem residence. What began peacefully quickly deteriorated into violence and the police were called in to clear the streets and establish order whereupon the protesters began chanting “Nazis” at the police.

A Molotov setting a fire in Tel Aviv last night.

A Molotov setting a fire on the street in Tel Aviv last night.

Similarly, a large demonstration enveloped Habima Plaza in Tel Aviv. It quickly became violent as well with protesters spraying police with tear gas and pepper spray and throwing Molotovs at them.

PM Netanyahu’s trial continues today . . .

The trial of PM Netanyahu begins in earnest today with decisions being made about the calling of witnesses and other matters.

Attorney General Mandelblit has ordered prosecutor Ben Ari to “expedite the hearings.”

Expedite the hearings? It is estimated that the trial and appeals will almost certainly continue until for at least five years.

Iran hit again . . .

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Below you see a photo taken yesterday by a motorist of a large fire caused by an explosion in the oil pipeline in the Khur Musa area of Ahwaz, Iran:

A pipeline goes up in flames in Iran yesterday.

A pipeline goes up in flames in Iran yesterday.

Today, another explosion has struck another facility. A power plant in Isfahan province has incurred significant damage.



The Daily Corona Update: No Good News

Yesterday was not a good day as the number of dead from Corona approached double figures, the number of “critically ill” patients (the Health Ministry has dropped the phrase “seriously ill”) is approaching a double digit increase per day, and the number of confirmed cases continues to surge.

Here is the the daily Corona update:

As of 8 am this morning (Sunday):

There are 49,365 confirmed casesan increase of 1,906 since this time yesterday 

21,348 of these confirmed cases have recoveredan increase of 604

217 are in critical conditionan increase of 9 

56 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—the same as yesterday

401 have diedan increase of 9

There are 28,017 active cases.

More Corona news :

*As you know, we are on the verge of a nearly total closure of businesses here in Israel with malls, restaurants, beaches, and virtually everything else being hit with at least partial closures on Tuesday and on the weekend. If you can believe this, the goal of the closures is to bring the number of newly confirmed cases down to 100 per day.

100 per day? The only way it will get down to 100 per day will be for testing to be virtually halted–but we are going in the opposite direction with almost 30,000 being tested each day now.

In short, we can expect a full closure or at the very least partial closures to continue for a long time.

This entry was posted in News and tagged expedited, explosion, iran, Isfahan, Jerusalem, molotovs, Netanyahu, new israel fund, pepper spray, police, power plant, protest sheet, riots, tammuz 7, tattoos, tel aviv, trial, violence. Bookmark the permalink.

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