Tag Archives: ayelet shaked

The ICC Verdict Is Already In: The Jews Are Guilty, Guilty, And Even More Guilty.

Yom Rishon, Sunday 25 Shevat 5781 February 7, 2020     Photo of the Day This was scene on the tarmac at Ben Gurion this morning where an El Al 737 has been parked and locked since January 24 when it brought … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a sense of justice, Abul Kamal on the Syrian-Iraqi border, and on the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion Road between the Al-Khader Junction and the North Efrat Junction, anti-semitic, as you know, ayelet shaked, Barta’a, Beit Anun in the Hevron mountains, ben gurion, biden, bouts of malaria, cat, covid 19, depackage Iran by separating the nuclear agreement from Iranian regional aggression, drop in morbidity, dubai, el al 737, everyone wearing masks, fatou bensouda, hague tribunal, icc, india, is a religion of peace. and it gives you this inner strength, islam, it is refined anti-Semitism, jurisdiction, locked, Netanyahu, Netherlands, now it is attacking the only state of the Jewish people, only 6% of Indians are over the age of 65, strong Indian immune systems, the daily corona update, the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road between Beit Omer and Karmei Tzur, The Hague Tribunal is a political body that tries to weaken advanced democracies instead of dealing with dictatorships where crimes against humanity are actually committed, the hot and humid weather, the Reihan Crossing, This tribunal was established to prevent atrocities like the Nazi Holocaust against the Jewish people, When the International Court of Justice in The Hague investigates Israel for completely false war crimes | Comments Off on The ICC Verdict Is Already In: The Jews Are Guilty, Guilty, And Even More Guilty.