Tag Archives: beyond all understanding

“Let Us Descend Into The Blind World”

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Monday, September 9 2013: *President Obama’s supposed attempt to obtain authorization for a strike against Syria–“supposed” because it was authorization that everyone seems to have conveniently forgotten that he did not need to begin with–continues … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 35000, 5000 palestinian work permits, academic, aipac, already working here, arrested, authorization, beyond all understanding, boycotts, business, canto iv, clarify, compensating the families of turkish terrorists, contacts, culinary note, cultural, curtail, dante alighieri, delay, demented argument, democratic lobbying machine, demonstrations, depths of lunacy, devolved ever deeper, divestment, domestic, draconian restrictions, dragging israel, Egypt, european union, gesture, implementation, in return for nothing, international community, islamists, Israel, israels destruction, isreal, it helps improve israelis international position, it is in israels interes, Jerusalem, john kerry, kill israeli soldiers, kill more israelis, killed and eaten, killers, Let Us Descend Into The Blind World, living and working illegally, locals, mavi marmara, more insane, murdererous, Netanyahu, politics, provide aid, providing money and materiel to hamas, psychotic reasoning, Ramadan, refused to involve, releasing hundreds, sanctions, schizophrenic cabinet, small island in the Nile, strike, Syria, syrian quagmire, the first circle of hell, the temple mount, those who are trying to destroy us, tzipi livni, unfettered access, usual lunacy, what circle of the abyss, work in israel, worldwide palestinian attempt, wreck the economy, zionist spy stork | Comments Off on “Let Us Descend Into The Blind World”