Tag Archives: cement

100,000 Tons Of Cement Transported to Islamist Gaza In September

UPDATE: Yet another Qassam missile fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza struck at the families of southern Israel’s Eshkol region last night. There are flood alerts throughout Israel due to heavy rains; the road to Mt. Hermon is closed because … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 000, 100, 23, al-rashid road, alerts, am yisrael chai, arab league, attractions, Barak, beach road, bombs, booming, brigade, build houses, cement, cheaper, children, chinese, coast, concrete, construction, egyptian, eshkol, european union, families, feel sorry for, flood, foreign tourists, gantz, Gaza, heavy, hospital, hotels, huts, IDF, increasing, islamist, Israel, isreal, january 13 2003, january 5 2003, Jerusalem, makeshift, media outlets, mediterranean, misery, missile, mt. hermon, murdered, muslim quarter, no siege, old city, overcrowded apartments, paratroopers, parking lots, pedestrian, poor palestinians, population, pretty picture, promenade, provocation, qassam, rains, region, residential, september, siege, snow, southern, suicide bombers, tel aviv, terrorists, tons, tourist, unhygienic, unrwa, wallowing, zhang minmin | Comments Off on 100,000 Tons Of Cement Transported to Islamist Gaza In September