Tag Archives: cyber attack

Knesset To Dissolve: New Elections 10.25.22: Lapid To Become Prime Minister

Yom Shnee Monday 21 Sivan 5782 June 20 2022   The News on the Israeli Street On the Palestinian front . . . Palestinian terrorists hurling Molotovs, IEDs, and “rocks” tried to murder Israelis near Beit Omer on the Gush Etzion Road … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 21 Sivan 5782, bennett, cyber attack, daily corona update, dissolve, eilat, iran, Israel, Jerusalem, Knesset, lapid, new elections, october 25 2022, orbach, teachers strike | Comments Off on Knesset To Dissolve: New Elections 10.25.22: Lapid To Become Prime Minister