Tag Archives: drag

The Nasrallah Factor

UPDATES 7 pm Israel time Tuesday: **The situation in Judea and Samaria continues to deteriorate. Last night saw multiple Molotov cocktail and “rock” throwing incidents. Here is a brief summary from this morning alone: at 7:44, Palestinian rioters threw “rocks” … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged al khader, assad, attack at will, awol, bekaa valley, benjamin, bypass road, cave of the patriarchs, drag, funerals, heavily armed, hebron, Hezbollah, hezbollah terrorist, into war, Israel, isreal, Judea, killed, lash out, Lebanon, lists, molotov cocktails, Nasrallah, reuven rivlin, rocks, Samaria, southern lebanon, Syria, with impunity, yeshiva | Comments Off on The Nasrallah Factor