Tag Archives: f16s

There Was No History Before Mohammed And Islam

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Thursday, October 10 2013: **All of Israel stands proudly today with two of the Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry who were announced yesterday being Israeli-American citizens and the third having close ties with the country. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2007, Aaron Ciechanover (2004, abandon, abraham was a muslim, Ada Yonath (2009, aftermath, air strike, anastasia waller, and halted shipments of tanks, Apache helicopters, arieh warshel, Avram Hershko (2004, azzun, binyamin, burn, captured, cash, castigate israel, chemistry, collapse of the negotiations, Dan Shectman (2011, Daniel Kahneman (2002, daughter, destroy mortar launcher, develop financial resources, dragged, economics, ehud olmert, elazar, encourage a government that reflects the will of the Egyptian people and respect for human rights, european chess championship, f16s, frozen a $300, full recognition, future loan that was in the pipeline, golan heights, hanna amireh, Harpoon missiles, hebron, hypocrisy, ibrahim abdullah, idf post, idf soldiers wounded, infrastructure, isaac, Israel, Israeli, israeli americans, israeli-arab, isreal, jacob, Jerusalem, jordan, Judea, kicking and screaming, koran, literature, livni, Los Angeles, martin karplus, mary the mother of jesus was the sister of aaron and moses, mathematic, Menachem Begin (1979, michael levitt, molotov cocktails, montenegro, more palestinian terrorists released, moses and the jews, moses was jesus maternal uncle, Muslim Brotherhood, Netanyahu, no walkout, nobel prize winners, nonsense, november 7, obama administration, on trial, Palestinian, palestinian flag, palestinians are trying to claim jewish history as their own, peace, peace talks, people of israel, pharoahs, physician jerusalem, playing for time, plo executive committee, president morsi, press release, produced nothing, qalqilya, quran, Robert Aumann (2005, rocks, romans, saeb erekat, samarian, Saudi Arabia, security fence, setting fire, sharia law, Shimon Peres (1994, Shmuel Yosef Agnon (1966, south africa, stanford university school of medicine, strays, syrian mortar shells, ten commandments, the game is not difficult at all, transfer of $260, tulkarm, united arab list, united nations, university of southern california, until, we cannot continue business as usual, wizard, Yitzhak Rabin (1994, yitzhar | Comments Off on There Was No History Before Mohammed And Islam