Tag Archives: fair

Pictures Of Our Solidarity Trip To Sderot

19 Tishrei 5779 28 September 2018   The News on the Israeli Street  Palestinian terror in the last 24 . . . Along the Gaza border: The fire terrorism never stops. With Palestinian terrorists launching dozens of incendiary balloons, kites, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged at El Aruv, author, beit ummar, book, brave people, cheese, cogat, dagan, dairy, esther marcus, european union, fair, fire terrorism, gaza border communities, Hezbollah, iaea, Israel, joke, Joseph's Tomb in Shechem, Judea, Kibbutz Alumim, kibbutz beeri, Kuwait, nablus, near Azzun, Netanyahu, nuclear appeasement, on the Gush Etzion Road south of Karmei Tzur, on the road to Hevron, pictures, Qatar, Samaria, Saudi Arabia, sderot, smoked cheese, speech, tsava adom, UN, unrwa | Comments Off on Pictures Of Our Solidarity Trip To Sderot