Tag Archives: grads

The Failure Of The UCD Police And Administration At The ‘Israeli’ Event At The University of California, Davis

UPDATE: 9:00 pm Saturday: Southern Israel has just been hit by another terrorist missile fired by from Gaza by Hamas. UPDATE: Two more rockets were fired by Palestinian terrorists in the middle of the night at the citizens of southern … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged academic, actions, administration, administrative and resource management, arrest, assaulted, begin, by superiors, california, campus, change, child molester, children, citizens, clip, close down, coaxed, communicate, constructive, criminal, cross cultural center, customers, dangerous, Davis, dear uc davis community, defamatory, demonstration, did not follow, did nothing, difficult times, disciplinary, disrespectful, disruption, economic, egregious, emergency, engage, engagement teams, executive, explain, failure, first amendment rights, free speech, freedom of expression, freely engage, functions, grads, grossly derelict, hecklers, hexter, hurled, IDF, instructed, intervene, intimidated, Israel, Israeli, israeli soldiers, isreal, john meyer, justice in palestine, lawful, lecture, listen, main heckler, manage, memorial union, misdemeanor, missiles, monday night, mortars, no policeman, not to stop, occupation, occupy, organizers, Palestinian, parent effectiveness, passion and energy, pepper spray, plead, police, potential implications, presentation, principles, program, protect, protest sites, protests, provost, public service, pursuits, qassams, quad, ralph, raped, regulations, research, respect, response, reynoso task force, rockets, sanctions, situations, six weeks, sjp, slander, social, southern israel, staff, state, students, teaching, tents, terrorists, training, two per day, ucd, ucd administration, ucd inaction, ucdavis, unable, university, update, us bank office, verbal assault, vice chancellor, video, violate, violation, walk out, women | Comments Off on The Failure Of The UCD Police And Administration At The ‘Israeli’ Event At The University of California, Davis