Tag Archives: idf soldiers

Agricultural Equipment And Carpet Cleaning

10 Elul 5779 10 September 2019     Please Donate To OneIsrael Our September fund-raising campaign is underway, and we would deeply appreciate your support! You can click on the Donate Button above or one of the Donate Buttons in the right-hand column. As you can … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abadeh, Adenyahu, Adonijah, along the Gush Etzion-Jerusalem Road, aqraba, azzun, cafe hillel, carpet cleaning, dead bodies, dead sea scrolls, El Khader, gush etzion, hamas, Hezbollah, idf soldiers, inorganic layer, Israel, King David’s sons, martyrs, Migdalot, Palestinian, parchment, plo, road 465, sacred, salary, security prisoners, tapuach, temple scroll, terrorists, the U-Junction near Talmonim, Umm Safa | Comments Off on Agricultural Equipment And Carpet Cleaning