Tag Archives: machine guns

Obese Palestinians, Exploding “Balloons”, Palestinian Terror, Declining Exports, Neighborhood Moves, Animal Videos!

21-22 Tivet 5780 18-19 January 2020     Hilarious Quote of the Day: “More than 70% of families in Gaza suffer from food shortages because of the Israeli blockade on Gaza which began 13 years ago.” Jamal al-Khodari, Hamas People’s … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged ahula, assault rifles, Barkan, crane, Egypt, egyptian sudanese border, exports decrease, Gaza, hevron, hilarious quote, Israel, israeli blockade, jordan, judea and samaria, leisure-time physical activity is not a common concept in the Palestinian context, machine guns, machpelach, marsh cat, new naval base, red sea, sea turtle, stabbing, suffer from food shortages, world health organization | Comments Off on Obese Palestinians, Exploding “Balloons”, Palestinian Terror, Declining Exports, Neighborhood Moves, Animal Videos!