Tag Archives: Mahmoud Abbas

Ludicrosity Personified: PM Netanyahu and Hamas

17 Shevat 5779 23 January 2019     The Heartwarming Quotation of the Day: “All the fields that were black because of the Molotov balloon and kite terror have become green.” Tamir Aidan, head of the Negev Field Council, calling on … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Al Mezan, Al-Haq, at Mount Hevron where a yeshiva student was wounded in the head, BDS, between Beitar and Al-Khader, black, blackmail, dynamite, erdan, european union, fields, good news, green, hamas, Israel, Kineret, Ma'alot Yishai neighborhood, Mahmoud Abbas, near the Ma'ale Shomron Junction, palestinian woman killed, save his life, Shabtin, tamar aidan, tel hevron, throughout Gush Etzion, Umm Safa, Uzrin, vineyard, visit the South, Yatma | Comments Off on Ludicrosity Personified: PM Netanyahu and Hamas