Tag Archives: massacres

Surreal in Israel: Terrorist Attacks and Inclement Weather (9:00 pm Updates)

13 Cheshvan 5776 Monday, October 26 2015 9:00 pm UPDATES 8:41 pm: Palestinian terrorists in Hebron somehow steal Israeli police car. There is concern that the car may be used in an imminent terrorist attack. 7:05 pm: Palestinian terrorists in … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged akbar, allahu, and killings, anun, ashdod, border guard, Dikla Megadish, eilat, hail, halhul, hawara, hebron, IDF, Israel, Jewish life, Kfar Saba, Mada, MARIKE, massacres, mitzpe ramon, Netherlands, october 26, Palestinian, pogroms, silwan, soldier, stabbing, veldman | Comments Off on Surreal in Israel: Terrorist Attacks and Inclement Weather (9:00 pm Updates)