Tag Archives: ras al-Amud

A Nauseating Footnote To The Murders At Har Adar

9 Tishrei 5778 29 September 2017     SPECIAL NOTICE:  Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, begins tonight at sundown. There will be no israelstreet blog tomorrow; our next blog will appear on Sunday morning.  We wish all … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged al fawwar, Baidu, beit ummar, budrus, Burqa, disabled, disgrace, El Arub, El Khader, El Ram, embarassment, hamas, hannah berg, har adar, hevron, Israel, karmi tzur, Machsom Watch, Mevo Dotan, monthly stipend, nabi saleh, palestinian terror, prisoner exchange, protests, ras al-Amud, solomon gavriya, talmon, the Haparseh Junction, traffic, yom kippur | Comments Off on A Nauseating Footnote To The Murders At Har Adar