Tag Archives: removed

Israel’s Amazing Humanitarian Gesture: The Left’s Amazing Response

UPDATE 10 am Israel time Saturday: At 3:55 am overnight, the southern Israeli town of Sha’ar Hanegev came under rocket attack from Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. TODAY’S BLOG:  The last month has seen an extraordinary effort by the so-called “right … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 300000, administrative and security control, arraigned, attack, blatant, checkpoints, committing, cruel grip, direct, economic damage, editorial, female minors, for the first time, forbidden to enter, Gaza, gesture, giant prison, government, haaretz, hitting the beaches, human beings, humanitarian, indecent acts, Israel, israel arab, israeli left, isreal, Jerusalem, jordan, joys, Judea, left, molotov cocktails, moving, Netanyahu, occupied territories, one million, operation, overjoyed, pa, page, Palestinian, palestinian economy, palestinian vendors, permitted to enter, plo, population, qassam, Ramadan, reasoning, relatives, removed, right-wing, rightists, rocket, rocks, Samaria, sea, settlers, shaar hanegev, shackles, southern israel, swim, taste of freedom, tel aviv, temple mount, tens of thousands, terrorists, took their business, travel, undermining, untold customers, untruths, update, vacation, vilification, visit, worship | Comments Off on Israel’s Amazing Humanitarian Gesture: The Left’s Amazing Response