Tag Archives: romans

How Could This Happen? Yesterday’s Terrorist Parade At Tekoa

18 Tammuz 5777 12 July 2017   The News on the Israel Street Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . *There was a bulldozer attack in Shuafat when a terrorist attempted to run over policemen. The attacker … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 17th tammuz, babylonians, bulldozer attack, Deir Abu Mashal, fast, gabbay, golden calf, Jerusalem, Ma'aleh Shomron, meir spring, migdalim, moses, neve tzuf, peace plan, romans, run over, shechem, Shivah Asar B’Tammuz, shuafat, silwan, tablets, tapuach junction, tekoa, welfare statepalestinian terror | Comments Off on How Could This Happen? Yesterday’s Terrorist Parade At Tekoa