Tag Archives: Route 44 near Beit Horon

The Coming Gaza Disaster on March 30

9 Nissan 5778 25 March 2018   Quotes of the Day In recognition of the media earthquake happening tonight on Israeli television when Channel 20, a conservative alternative to leftist Channels 1, 2, and 10 has its first prime-time newscast: “I wish … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 12.6% of the world’s population was Muslim, abu dis, al quds day, azzun, channel 20, dana somberg, democracy, disaster, diversity, el-bireh, first order, freedom of expression, Gaza, gilad erdan, hawara, Hermala near Bethlehem, hevron, hizma, In 1910, in 2010, Israel is not going to gun down unarmed Palestinians, Jerusalem, june 8, land day, Limor Livnat, march 30, March of Return, may 15, media balance, naftali bennett, nakba, neve tzuf, on Route 443, otniel, pluralism, reject any American initiative to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, right to return, Route 44 near Beit Horon, tent city, the percentage was 22.5%, the Tapuach Junction, World Religion Database | Comments Off on The Coming Gaza Disaster on March 30