Tag Archives: surge

“One Day We Will Kill All The Jews”: The Hadith of Mohammed

UPDATE: 9:00 am: Missile fired at citizens of southern Israel this morning. Keep checking israelstreet breaking news for details. TODAY’S BLOG: “The day of judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews and kill them all . . … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Ahmed, al-tayeb, all of Palestine, allah, americans, arab spring, authorities, beck, boycott Israel, brotherhood, camps, chant, children, concentration, day, democracy, desire, die, Egypt, eldad, elections, ennahda, exhort, faith, future, Gaza, hatdith, implications, iran, islam, islamic, islamist, Israel, Jerusalem, jews, jihad, judaization, judgement, kill, koran, Lebanon, liberate, libya, missile, mohammad, mohammed, more they revert to the past, more things change, Morocco, murdered, muslim, nazi, news, north africa, norwegian, november 26 1942, november 26 2011, occupation, Palestinian, politics, post, prophet, quran, reversion, rim, rounded up, sayings, speakers, supermarkets, supplement, surge, tel aviv, terrorist, treacherous, Tunisia, unity, willingness, women, ynet, Zionist | Comments Off on “One Day We Will Kill All The Jews”: The Hadith of Mohammed