Tag Archives: the Hevron hills

No To Gaza, No To Lebanon; I’ll Sacrifice My Life For Iran!

17 Tevet 5778 4 January 2018   The News on the Israel Street Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . *Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired three missiles (one missile at three separate times) at the Eshkol Region … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a tunnel, ateret, basenj, Beit Dajan, beit ummar, bruchin, cutting off funding, Deiheisheh, different locations in Gush Etzion, El Aruv, Eli Zahav, elon moreh, empty buildings, eshkol region, gaza border, hawara, hizma, hyundai, ied, indolent palestinians, infantile whining, iran, itamar, Jayyus, kia, Kissufim, No To Gaza, No To Lebanon, picanto, plo, protests, qalqilya, Rama, Ras Karkar, revolutionary guards, sand dunes, skoda, suzuki, that is what keeps the PLO alive, the Hatti Junction, the Hevron hills, three missiles, toyota, traffic jams, trump, Turmus’aya, yatta, Yitav | Comments Off on No To Gaza, No To Lebanon; I’ll Sacrifice My Life For Iran!