Tag Archives: traffic jams

Around Our Israeli Neighborhood: The Day In Pictures

UPDATE: Aunt of Hakim Awad gives interview on Palestinian TV praising her nephew as a hero for stabbing the Fogel children and parents to death as they slept–Palestinian TV interviewer “agrees” that the butchery of 3 month old Hadas Fogel … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 430, Adi Avitan, amman, arab neighborhoods, arab spring, arson attacks, attacks, aunt, benny avraham, blame, bodies, butchery, children, complicit, control, damascas, day in pictures, dear reader, democratic, easily, Egypt, electrical malfunction, exchange, family, fires, flames, Fogel, grating, hadas, hakim awad, hamas, harish, heir apparent, hero, Hezbollah, hijacked, holy books, humble servant, IDF, interior, investigators, islamists, Israel, Israeli, isreal, january 29 2004, jordan, khaled, king abdullah, knife, Lebanon, library, low, lower galilee, lower house, mashaal, media, meshaal, military, moderate, molotov cocktails, mosques, mother, mount hermon, nablus, neighborhood, nephew, northern israel, october 18 2011, omar suwaied, palestinian tv, parents, praise, prisoners, quatar, rabbi, reuters, revolution, scroll, shechem, sheikh, shelly rafael, short circuit, ski, skiers, skiing, sledding, stabbing, synagogue, Syria, tamim al thani, tel adashim, tenenbaum, terrorist, this day in israeli history, torah, traffic jams, turnout, umm el fahm, update, upper house, vandalism, window broken, wounds | Comments Off on Around Our Israeli Neighborhood: The Day In Pictures