Tag Archives: Tzfat

Updates From The Israeli Golan

SPECIAL NOTICE: For 24 more hours, your humble servant will be traveling along the Syrian border and will update this blog as possible. Our specific route yesterday took us north from Ashdod to Tsippori to Tzfat, then along the Lebanese border to … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 24 palestinian terrorist attacks, along the golan, ashdod, boxer triangle, captured, checkpoint, damaged, humble servants travels, IDF, intense fighting, International Committee for the Protection of the Mount of Olives, internet connections, Israel, isreal, karmi tsur, katzrin, molotov cocktail, moreh hill, neve ativ, qatzrin, report, rifle, rocks, safed, sketchy, sway, syrian side of the border, tapuach junction, tulkarm, Tzfat, wounded | Comments Off on Updates From The Israeli Golan