Tag Archives: Tzfat

Vive La France!

SPECIAL NOTICE: For the next 48 hours, your humble servant will be traveling along the Syrian and Lebanese borders and will update this blog as possible. Our specific route will take us north from Ashdod to Tzippori to Tzfat, then … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1 april 1933, 1938, a palestinian state, adolf hitler, adoption, aghast, agreement, american refusal, and arrested more than 26000 Jews, arak heavy water, ashdod, bashar assads arsenal, borders, boykott, burned down synagogues, Catherine Ashton, centrifuges, compromise, concentration camps, den boykott zu verhangen, denunciation of Israel, der jude lugt, destroyed Jewish homes and businesses, deutsche vaterland, deutsche volksgenossen, enriched uranium, european union, famous phrase, france, germans, go forward, headlong, his blaming of Israel, infuriated, iran, iranians, Israel, israeli tv, isreal, john kerry interview, jordan valley, jude, judea and samaria, juden, juden in deutschland, kristallnacht, lack, land swaps, laughingly fawning all over, Lebanese, mt. hermon, murdered, nazi government, netanyahu government, neve ativ, no criticism, no idf, no security for israel, November 9th and 10th, online, Palestinian, paul von hindenburg, perspective, reductions, refine uranium, repository, safed, semblance of reality, spoken volumes, strike, syrian, true intent, Tzfat, tzippori, verifiable reductions, vive la france, western rush | Comments Off on Vive La France!