Tag Archives: yakir junction

The “True Friends, Partners, and Brothers” of the Chinese

25 Tammuz 5777 19 July 2017   The News on the Israel Street Palestinian terror on Tuesday . . . Aside from the numerous clashes with our security forces in and around the Old City of Jerusalem, Palestinian terrorists targeted … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 5000 soldiers, brothers, bulldozer, chechnya, chinese, conference, crime, darfur, Erdogan, holon, huwara, Israel, kiryat arba, lions gate, molotovs, muslims, partners, peace, Qatar, Ramat Hasharon, ramzan kadyrov, refugee, rocks, shechem, Sudan, sudanese, temple mount, temporary resident, true friends, trump, turkey, uighur, xi jinping, yakir junction, yitzhar junction | Comments Off on The “True Friends, Partners, and Brothers” of the Chinese