No More Drinking Coffee In Tel Aviv Cafes

21 Kislev 5779

29 November 2018




Today’s Blog contains a disturbing photograph of a dead child. 


The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

In Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem:

Palestinian terrorists using Molotovs attacked IDF soldiers in Beit Anun near Kiryat Arba.

Palestinian terrorists using “rocks” and Molotovs assaulted Israelis at Curve 160 outside of Hevron, at Kiryat Arba, Sinjil (two Israelis wounded), Karnash, Hizma, Ma’ale Israel, south of Karmei Tzur, near Givon, and at a myriad of other places as reported to rotter, hakolhayehudi, and Rescue Judea and Samaria.

Fraud, fraud, and more Muslim (and media) fraud . . .

Where do we start today?

We could start with what is going on in Pittsburgh where Muslims apparently raised a large amount of money to support the victims of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre last month. It is a mess involving the infamous Linda Sarsour which is so convoluted as to be nearly impossible to understand. Your humble servant would suggest reading Hen Mazzig’s tweets about the issues involved.

Or we could go to Turkey where a number of people were arrested yesterday after raising more than 3 million Turkish pounds for “Palestinian relief” which was pocketed by them and used for dance parties and the like. Actually this was undoubtedly a better use for the money than sending it to Hamas in Gaza.

Or we could go back to the infamous story of the baby Laila al-Ghandour who was supposedly killed by Israeli tear gas while her mother was protesting on the Gaza border. That fraud was quietly exposed months ago (by Hamas!) which removed her name from those who died at the hands of Israelis. Apparently al-Ghandour’s mother was paid to take her dead child out to the border and then claim that tear gas had killed her.

But wait . . . there is a new wrinkle to the Ghandour canard. Back in May, Reuters actually published a photo of the dead baby at her funeral and captioned it as you see below:

Can you read the caption?

Can you read the caption?

“. . . died after inhaling tear gas during a protest against the U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem at the Israel-Gaza border . . .”

Amazingly, or perhaps not so, Reuters has just named that picture, with its original fraudulent caption still intact as one of its 2018 pictures of the year.
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No More Drinking Coffee In Tel Aviv Cafes*

Let’s begin today by praising Maj. Gen. Tamir Yadai for saying yesterday a number of things that we have been saying here on israelstreet for years. Afterwards, we will move on to how Yadai’s comments demonstrate the utter lack of strategy for dealing with Israel’s threats.

Yadai began by talking about the threat from Hezbollah which he said now has at least 100,000 short-range GPS guided missiles along with thousands more long-range missiles that can hit anywhere in Israel. He then turned to the South where he noted that Hamas has, at a minimum, 10,000 missiles and mortars while Islamic Jihad has more than 8,000 more.

All of which led Yadai to make this long overdue admission from someone in the IDF:

“In the next war in Gaza or on the northern front, Tel Aviv residents won’t be able to sit in cafes and drink their coffee. This is a thing of the past.”

Yadai continued:

“There is no dispute that the threat to the Israeli home front in the next war will be very challenging, especially around the ability to ensure essential services for the civilian population and the resilience of Israeli society. The intensity of the next war is something that Israel is not yet familiar with.”

Precisely, and again it is refreshing in a perverse way to hear someone say it. As we have often asked here on israelstreet, what is going to happen on the day when Hezbollah-either alone or in conjunction with Hamas–fires all of its missiles at Israel. As we have said before, and say again today, there is no conventional way that Israel’s missile defense system can stop the onslaught. 

Then came a part of his talk which shows the futility of IDF planning. According to Yadai, should Hezbollah its arsenal, an estimated 250,000 Israelis living in 22 communities along the Lebanese border would have to be evacuated. This statement parallels exactly what the IDF has already said about all of the Israeli citizens living along the Gaza border: in the next war, they will have to be evacuated.

To which your humble servant asks two obvious questions:

1. Considering that Hezbollah and Hamas now have missiles that can hit any part of Israel, where would the people of the north and south be evacuated to? Presumably they would all be transported to central Israel where they–along with the millions of citizens already there–would be sitting ducks.

2. Perhaps even more obvious is how in the world could such an evacuation take place with missiles raining down by the thousands? In the first place, there would be no time for such an evacuation, and in the second, even if people were loaded on trains and buses, those trains and buses would be easy targets for those firing missiles. Mass chaos and slaughter would ensue. 

In sum, someone needs to state something else that is equally obvious. Israel will go up in smoke, unless we are quickly willing to pull out all of the stops and with no humanitarian dickering obliterate the places in Lebanon and Gaza from the missiles are being fired. 

Such an obliteration cannot take place with conventional weapons. 

*Israelstreet acknowledges Anna Ahronheim and JPost for the quotes used in today’s blog.

This entry was posted in News and tagged 100000 short-range GPS guided missiles, at Kiryat Arba, Curve 160 outside of Hevron, dead child, disturbing photograph, evacuation, funeral, hamas, hen mazzig, her mother, Hezbollah, hizma, intensity of the next war is something that Israel is not yet familiar with, israeli tear gas, Karnash, Laila al-Ghandour, Ma'ale Israel, Maj. Gen. Tamir Yadai, Mass chaos and slaughter, muslim fraud, near Givon, no conventional way that Israel's missile defense system can stop, picture of the year, Pittsburgh, protesting on the Gaza border, reuters, sarsur, sinjil, south of Karmei Tzur, supposedly killed, tree of life, turkey, warning. Bookmark the permalink.

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