The BDS Boycott Effort Spreads . . . Now Targeting Arab and Asian Countries

20 Kislev 5779

28 November 2018


Picture of the Day

What Biblical story do you think you are looking at?

What Biblical story do you think you are looking at?

If you answered “Jonah and the whale”, you would be correct. Note the two legs sticking out of the three-headed monster fish. 

What you see above is yet another amazing mosaic found on the floor of the synagogue of the ancient Jewish village of Huqoq–mentioned twice in the Hebrew Bible at Joshua 19:32-34 and 1 Chronicles 6:74-75.

Previously found at the site are equally amazing mosaics of mythical creatures, Noah’s Ark, the Exodus from Egypt, Samson, and others.

Where is Huqoq? Chief Archaeologist at the site, Jodi Magness, writes:

“Huqoq was a prosperous village about 3 miles west of Magdala (home of Mary Magdalene) and Capernaum (where Jesus taught in the synagogue), located next to a fresh spring.”

It particularly flourished between the 4th and 6th centuries CE. The synagogue gives fresh testimony to the fact that Judaism has survived for more than 3300 years in Israel–even during periods of conquest from outside.

To read more, click here for an article written by Magness for Biblical Archaeology Review and click here for more, and click here for still more about this fascinating site!


The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

On the Gaza border:

The Hamas “Supreme Committee to Break the Siege” called again for “martyrs” yesterday to attack the Gaza security fence. In making the announcement, it revealed that Iran will compensate the families of those killed in making the attempt, and those wounded while doing so will receive a stipend from Tehran. 

Of course, as reported previously on israelstreet, there is abundant evidence that Hamas leaders are taking the Iranian money for themselves and leaving little for the so-called “martyrs” and “wounded martyr wannabes.”

In Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem:

Palestinian terrorists tear-gassed a young Israeli mother with her two small children in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City last night. The terrorists escaped.

Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis near Karmei Tzur, Givon, Al-Aruv, on Route 60, on the Gush Etzion road near Hevron, at the Kiryat Arba bypass, Silwad, Beit El, Psagot, and at some 20 other locations as reported to hakolhayehudi, rotter, and Rescue Judea and Samaria.

One neighborhood at a time . . .

The Israel Supreme Court once again confirmed yesterday that numerous homes in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem must be returned to the Jews who owned them prior to the War of Independence in 1948. The Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood is located in northeastern Jerusalem near the Shimon HaTzadik Cave and Nahalat Shimon neighborhood.
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In 1948, the Jordanian army–along with Palestinians in the area–overran the neighborhood and kicked the Jews out of their homes as they ethnically cleansed the areas in eastern Jerusalem under their control. 

The Jewish families who were kicked out built their homes in 1876 when the Sephardic Community Committee and the Ashkenazi Community Committee purchased the tomb of Shimon HaTzadik and lands around the cave. As soon as the Jordanians and Palestinians kicked them out some 70 years later, Palestinian squatters moved in and took over.

The legal battle over these homes has been going on for decades with the Palestinians fraudulently claiming they had “Turkish deeds of ownership” to the property. The courts in Israel have repeatedly rejected these claims.

What the ruling means is that once the government summons up the gumption to evict the squatters, around 100 Jews in 14 families will reclaim their homes–and thereby establish a Jewish majority in the neighborhood which was at one time wholly Jewish.

Fortress of Zion? . . .

It was announced yesterday that the super-secret (not a secret any longer) command headquarters located in a bunker underground between the Kirya in Tel Aviv and the Azrieli Shopping Mall has gone into operation.

Why the IDF felt compelled to share this with the world is just one more sign of the utter stupidity which infects its entire command structure.

In any case, the bunker will house the command and control structure of the IDF, Mossad, and all other organizations and agencies associated with Israel’s security.

Fancifully nicknamed “Fortress of Zion”, the bunker will be now be ground zero for all incoming missiles of our enemies in future wars.



The BDS Boycott Effort Spreads . . .

Now Targeting Arab and Asian Countries

Alas, Israel no longer has the honor of being singled out by the BDS movement for condemnation and boycott.

Yesterday, Palestinian-based BDS issued this statement:

“We appeal to progressives and social movements everywhere to pressure their governments to impose strict military embargoes on all states that are perpetrating crimes against humanity and war crimes, including Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Myanmar.”

Including but not limited to. We can only surmise that it won’t be long until other countries appear on the list.

What does BDS have against Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E.–both of which have “donated” hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinians? It would appear that anyone who opposes Iranian hegemony in the Middle East is now a BDS target. How long will it be until Bahrain, Oman, and even Egypt are put on the BDS hit list?

As for Myanmar, the BDS objection must have to do with the condition of its Muslim minority. If that is the reason, how long will it be until China is included? After all, the Chinese are currently chucking their Muslim Uighurs along the southern border into re-education camps and confiscating their Korans. 

Certainly Chad (with its new relationship with Israel) and France (with its banning of Muslim wear for women), and a myriad of other countries are on the BDS short list.

It would appear that “progressives and social movements everywhere” have their hands full as the BDS boycott targets countries in every direction.

This entry was posted in News and tagged 1 Chronicles 6:74-75, Al Aruv, at the Kiryat Arba bypass, BDS, beit el, Biblical Archaeology Review, Capernaum, chad, China, Committee to Break the Siege, ethnically cleansed, evict, fortress of zion, galilee, Givon, hamas, home, hukok, huqoq, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus taught, jonah and the whale, Joshua 19:32-34, karmei tzur, Kirya in Tel Aviv, Magdala, martyrs, Mary Magdalene, mosaics, mossad, Muslim Uighurs, myanmar, mythical creatures, Noah's Ark, on Route 60, on the Gush Etzion Road near Hevron, Palestinian, progressives, Psagot, samson, Saudi Arabia, Sephardic Community Committee, Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood, silwad, social movements, squatters, stipend from Tehran, the Exodus from Egypt, uae, wounded martyr wannabes. Bookmark the permalink.

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