Tag Archives: the Jordanian fence

The Gospel According To Ayelet Shaked

27 Elul 5778 7 September 2018     Photo of the Day: The News on the Israeli Street! Palestinian terror continues unabated . . . Zimma (the windows on a bus shattered), the Gush Etzion Road near Hevron (an Israeli family in … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged $1000 per kilo, average monthly wage, ayelet shaked, Boswellia genus, dead sea, double the size of the American Embassy in Jerusalem, fatah, frankincense, hamas, honey, metulla, most influential person in israel, most popular, persimmmon, plo, rare honey, rosh hanikra, rosh hashana, the Gaza fence, the Jordanian fence, the Lebanese Wall, the Sinai Wall, the Syrian Fence | Comments Off on The Gospel According To Ayelet Shaked