Tag Archives: the temple mount is ours

What are Netanyahu, the IDF, and the Jerusalem Police So Afraid Of?

UPDATES 7 pm Israel time Thursday: *Yesterday afternoon, the Samaria Regional Council began to construct a new Jewish community in Samaria in memory of Eviatar Borovsky, 31, who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist at the Tapuah Junction two days … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1967, afraid, al aksa mosque, borovsky, bravery, cowardice, defile, deny, eviatar, fear, gershon mesika, gripped, hamas, heroic, IDF, Jerusalem, jerusalem police, john kerry, liberate, lions gate, Mahmoud Abbas, miri regev, Netanyahu, non-muslims, old city, paratrooper brigade, permit, pervasive, plo head, Samaria, tapuach junction, the temple mount is ours, third intifada, tzipi livni, wakf | Comments Off on What are Netanyahu, the IDF, and the Jerusalem Police So Afraid Of?