Tag Archives: yad mordechai

Current Missile Count at 9:45 pm: 107 . . . Southern Israel Remains Under Fierce Attack

UPDATE 9:45 pm–8:30 pm Israel time Wednesday 9:45 pm: A barrage of 5 missiles has just struck the northern Negev. 9:44 pm: Incoming terrorist rockets in Ashkelon. 9:42 pm: At least 4 missiles launched at kibbutz in Eshkol region. 9:35 … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 300, ahmed shafiq, ashdod, attack, back and forth, beit el, border guards, brain dead, build, change law, children, chof ashkelon, claim victory, count, current, developing situation, drones, egyptian presidential election, empty buildings, evacuate, facility, fajr 4, Gaza, grads, hamas, helicopters, hosni mubarak, iaf, incoming, Israel, isreal, land, men, missile, mohammed morsi, more apartments, Muslim Brotherhood, netivot, no official count, numerous, Palestinian, peacefully, police, private, qassams, rocket, shrapnel, shuttle, sirens, six targets, smuggling tunnels, southern, station, stroke, terrorists, ulpana, under attack, whine, women, wounded, yad mordechai | Comments Off on Current Missile Count at 9:45 pm: 107 . . . Southern Israel Remains Under Fierce Attack