The Palestinians Build A New Palestinian “Refugee Camp” in Gaza

29 Elul 5778

9 September 2018


Shana Tovah!

Wishing you a sweet new year--be sure to eat your apples and honey tonight! (Picture: Bet David).

Wishing you a sweet new year–be sure to eat your apples and honey tonight! (Picture: Bet David).

Rosh Hashana begins at sundown tonight–in Jerusalem at exactly at 6:53 pm. Israelstreet wishes all of our readers who celebrate the holiday a wonderful new year with lots of good health, happiness, and prosperity. Shana Tovah!

Photo of the Day:

A Jewish community member puts up a billboard.

A Jewish community member puts up a billboard outside of Aqraba yesterday.

The billboard in the photo above features individual pictures of Military Advocate General Sharon Afek and reads (cynically): “Thank you, Major General!”

You may remember that it was Afek who decided this past week not to destroy the Aqraba home of terrorist Abd al-Rahman Bani Fadel–the murderer who stabbed to death Adiel Kolman in Jerusalem last month–on the absurd grounds that Fadel was mentally ill.

Obviously, the purpose of the billboard is to shame Afek–as well he should be shamed.

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The News on the Israeli Street!

Palestinian violence in the last 24 hours . . .

The year 5778 is coming to an end the same way it has been all year–full of Palestinian violence targeting Israelis.

From a rifle attack on an Israeli motorist near Kochav Ya’akov last night to a 4-man terrorist cell armed with knives and axes captured on the Gaza border yesterday afternoon to yet another fire set near Kibbutz Sa’ad by an incendiary balloon, it was a day like any other in Samaria and on the Gaza border.



The Palestinians Build A New Palestinian “Refugee Camp” in Gaza

Perhaps one of the least known facts about the Palestinian canard of “refugees” is that a number of the so-called Palestinian cities that UNRWA likes to call “refugee camps” are located in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria and in Gaza–areas under total Palestinian control.

According to the fraudulent UNRWA, approximately 950,000 Palestinian “refugees” live in Areas A and B, and another 1,500,000 live in Gaza.

Your humble servant was reflecting on this absurd situation this morning when he read that the “national authorities” in Gaza have decided to set up a new “refugee camp” in Gaza this coming week.

This “camp” will be in northern Gaza near the maritime border with Israel at Zikim. The purpose of the new “camp” is to facilitate more marches against and more attempted infiltrations of Israel.

We can fully expect that representatives from the United Nations and the European Union will show up at this new “camp” in short order to bewail the plight of the poor Palestinians living there. UNRWA–despite having no money–will be johnny-on-the-spot with a new school for the “occupied children”, and Physicians Without Borders will set up clinics for the “underserved Palestinians throughout the “camp.”  Finally, the Norwegian-funded NGOs will arrive to organize the “camp” infrastructure.

And all of this will be “documented’ by hordes of so-called “international journalists” that Iran and Qatar will pay to have bused in so that stories of the newest Palestinian “Nakba” can go out to the world.

It’s all enough to make one ill; however, your humble servant is going to have a slice of apple with some honey in advance of Rosh Hashana tonight and just think some sweet thoughts.

Once again: Shana Tovah!

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