PM Netanyahu’s Remarks On This International Holocaust Day

Yom Reva’ee, Wednesday

14 Shevat 5781

January 27, 2020


The Astonishing But Unsurprising Breaking News Of The Day

The Biden Administration has just announced that it has suspended all arms sales to the United Arab Emirates and to Saudi Arabia.

This includes the 50 F35s that President Trump agreed to sell the UAE which formed the basis of the first Arab normalization agreement with Israel. 

In the case of Saudi Arabia, the Administration apparently wants to make sure that no American weapons will be used to fight the Iranian-proxy Houthis in Yemen.

As we noted, all of this is astonishing but not surprising. In one fell swoop, President Biden has moved to undermine the Abraham Accords, remove an air threat to Iran, and to protect Iranian interests in the region. More on this in tomorrow’s blog.

The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Palestinian terrorists using “rocks” and Molotovs attacked Israelis near Negohot in the Hevron Mountains, on Road 5 beside Giti Avishar, on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road, south of Shechem in the area near Huwara, at Tor Raba Al-Advi’a, and at least a dozen other places.

The daily Corona update . . .

Please note that these numbers encompass from 8 pm yesterday until 8 pm today (Wednesday):

619,150 Israelis have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began last March.

There are 8,390 newly confirmed cases.

1,207 are in critical condition—a decrease of 81

324 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—an increase of 36

4,539 have died–an increase of 46

There are currently 75,920 active Corona cases in Israel.

1,946 members of the IDF have been diagnosed with Corona. They are all listed in “light condition.”

30.4% of the Israeli population has now received the first dose of vaccine. 14.95% have received both doses.
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The situation in the ultra-orthodox communities remains out of control with twice as high a percentage of positive tests as in other sectors of the public. They are also lagging behind in being vaccinated. For examplein Bnei Brak, Betar Illit and Elad, 61% of those aged 60 and over have been vaccinated. The national average is 81%.

Palestinian justice at work . . . again . . .

A Palestinian resident of Bethlehem was sentenced by a PLO Court to 15 years at hard labor yesterday for trying to sell land to Israelis. In addition, he was fined 1000 Jordanian dinars.

He will be lucky if he survives one day in a PLO prison.



PM Netanyahu’s Eloquent Remarks On

This International Holocaust Day

PM Netanyahu’s eloquent words speak for themselves.

Today, January 27, the world commemorates the horrific murders of six million Jews – men, women and children – by the Nazis and their aides in the Holocaust. We remember the darkest chapter in human history, when a European country decided to adopt a systematic plan to exterminate Jews, and mobilized its full developed industrial power to realize this appalling horror.

The mass murder of the Jewish people did not take place in a vacuum. For centuries, anti-Semitism had been widespread throughout Europe. With no one to challenge it, it intensified, spread and finally erupted in full force. Hatred of Israel, which has its roots in ancient times and left its negative mark on the Middle Ages, has now moved on in full force to the new era.

There are those who thought that after the horrors of Auschwitz and Treblinka, humanity would draw the necessary lessons once and for all, shake off the poison of anti-Semitism and throw the destructive hatred into its rightful place in the dustbin of history.

They made a bitter mistake. The scourge of toxic anti-Semitism continues to spread in the 21st century. It can be found on the campuses of reputable universities in North America, in madrasas in South Asia, and among European elites. Anti-Semitism is present in the developed world in the West and in the developing world in the East.

It is the official policy of Iran, which declares day after day, with arrogant arrogance: our goal is to exterminate another six million Jews, and to destroy the State of Israel.

Indeed, a vaccine for the antisemitic virus has not yet been found. And there are those who say that this phenomenon will not go away because there are things that never change.

But I can tell you what has changed: we, the Jewish people, have changed. If during the Holocaust we were homeless, stateless and helpless, and had to beg others to protect us, this is no longer true. Today we are free, rooted in our homeland and powerful in our independent state.

As the Prime Minister of the powerful and proud State of Israel – a state born of a new life after the Holocaust, a state resurrected from the ashes of destruction, a state that provided a home for the survivors, a state where the Jewish people fulfill their dream of resurrection – I swear we will never forget the tragic past.

‘Never again’ is not just a slogan. This is our policy, and this is our mission. We will stand strong and with God’s help we will guarantee the eternity of Israel.”

Well said, PM Netanyahu.

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