“Total Moral War” Means Never Ending War

Yom Shishee


17 Sivan 5781

May 28 2021


Photo of the Day

The first tourist group arrived in Israel yesterday.

The first tourist group arrived in Israel yesterday.

By the way, your humble servant received the good results of his serological test yesterday afternoon, but the Health Ministry still has not released me from quarantine (chalk it up to Israeli bureaucracy).


The News on the Street In Israel

A few follow-ups to yesterday’s blog:

*The case against the policeman who was hauled in for investigation of the “negligent killing” of a terrorist back in 2015 in Jerusalem has been dropped “because the evidence shows that the policeman is innocent.”  

The real question remains: whatever possessed our absurd Attorney General Mandelblit to try to investigate the policeman in the first place. Stupidity? Lack of judgement? Political correctness? All of the above?

*10 natural gas tankers, 13 diesel tankers, and six gasoline tankers were provided to the terrorists in Gaza yesterday via the Kerem Shalom Crossing–all supposedly for humanitarian purposes.

However, according to a source on the ground, every drop of fuel went to Hamas factories and other military assets. Self described “international aid” organizations received nothing.

*U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken climbed further in bed with the Palestinians before leaving for Saudi Arabia.

Following his meeting in Hevron with arch-terrorist Issa Amro and announcement of new money for the “poor Palestinians”, Blinken fired off a number of idiotic declarations of Biden Administration policy.

Expounding on priorities concerning the two soldiers killed in the 2014 war whose body parts Hamas still holds:

“I understand the need to return troops, but hope must also be given to Gaza.”

Say what? Hope for the very terrorists who continue to hold pieces of our young men? Apparently nothing is more important than “hope for Gaza.”

Expounding on the Biden doctrine of preventing war (back to Obamaesque “hope” again):

“Gaza has urgent needs. We need to give them hope –this is the only way to prevent a new war. The way to weaken Hamas is to give the people of Gaza opportunities.”

What a joke. Gaza has urgent needs because at core the Palestinians are an infantile people who are completely comfortable with being totally dependent on international donors–who have poured more than a billion dollars into Gaza since Hamas took over in 2007. 

When will the West ever learn that throwing good money after bad is no way to achieve a Middle East peace? Hamas can receive endless blackmail money and still start another war on a whim.

Expounding  on threats issued to Israel:

“I warned the Israeli leadership that evacuating Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah or causing unrest on the Temple Mount could lead to a renewed war.”

The Biden Administration has quickly become comfortable telling us what to do. 

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“Total Moral War” Means Never Ending War

“We fought against an enemy rooted in a world in which the principle of morality in combat does not exist at all, and with us the principle envelops every decision and every bomb.”

IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi, speaking yesterday to the graduating class of 65 soldiers at the Israel War College

The problem with our Israel Defense Force command could not have been stated more succinctly. Because of our embrace of political correctness and our fear of world criticism, every war-time decision must first be approved by the IDF legal division.

No terrorists can be killed and no bombs can be dropped, without kowtowing to a warped principle of “morality”–a morality that permits our own citizens to be killed and terrorized for the sake of protecting our enemy.

There’s nothing wrong with being moral, but our IDF General Command has carried it to an extreme. We will never be able to defeat an enemy which will use any means at their disposal to kill us.

And that emboldened enemy in Gaza is ready to attack again. Yesterday at a victory event in Khan Younis, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar crowed: “The resumption of the battle is closer than ever. We will start where we stopped. Tel Aviv will become Sderot.”

Meanwhile, the IDF spokesmen spent much of the day yesterday touting the supposed achievements of the war:

*the “amazing” integration of technological assets with combat forces

*hundreds of kilometers of tunnels exposed by artificial intelligence–especially the tunnels of the Hamas “metro system”

*the elimination of terrorist infrastructure including offices, houses, and factories

*the elimination of the research and development division of Hamas and numerous field commanders

All of this sounds wonderful, yet at the end of the presentation, these facts slipped in by the IDF told a different story:

1. Only 10% of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad missile arsenal was destroyed.

2. Only 50% of the high quality targets identified by technology were attacked.

3. Only 50% of Hamas’ arsenal of Cornet anti-tank missiles were destroyed.

4. Attempts to take out the senior Hamas and Islamic Jihad leadership failed miserably. Mohammed Def, Yahya Sinwar, and numerous others were targeted but evaded our efforts.

5. An unknown number of missile launching platforms emerged unscathed and were still firing hundreds of missiles when the “ceasefire” was announced.

This is the bottom line effect of fighting a ” total moral war”: tens of thousands of missiles still aimed at Israeli cities with an intact terror leadership more than ready to attack again.

“Total moral war” means never ending war.



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