Iranian Terrorists, Knesset Proposals, Corona Update, Former Spy, Emirates

Yom Chamishee


24 Sivan 5782

June 23 2022


The Quote of the Day

“There is no country and no army in the world that faces six arenas of threats. From knife to nuclear, from Jenin to Tehran, from underground to space. This is unprecedented.”

Chief of Staff, Major General Aviv Kochavi, speaking yesterday evening at Wing Ceremony No. 184 at Hatzerim Base.

Kochavi is correct. Stop for a moment and think about the immense threats that face Israel. Palestinian knife terror; Iranian nuclear weapons acquisition; Jenin gunmen; Tehran octopus of global terror; tunnels coming from Gaza; space satellites and weapons being developed.

The Photos of the Day

The photo at the top was a joyous eruption at the conclusion of the hike.

The photo at the top was a joyous eruption at the conclusion of the climb.

The final training exercise of the 450th Battalion yesterday as they finished their climb up foggy Mt. Meron. The training exercise included paratroopers from the Nahal and Kfir Brigades.

The News on the Israeli Street

Iranian terrorists in Turkey captured . . .

Turkish authorities announced yesterday that at least 10 Iranians including snipers have been captured and thwarted just as they were about to carry out attacks on Israelis–specifically the former Israeli Ambassador to Turkey and his wife.

That couple along with other targeted Israelis have been whisked back to Israel by Mossad via private jet.

The Knesset barrels toward dissolution . . .

Knesset legislators are trying to obtain votes on at least 30 proposed laws before dissolution takes place (probably next Wednesday). The “anti-Bibi law” would prevent anyone who is under indictment from becoming prime minister. Another law also proposed with Netanyahu in mind would limit a prime minister to serving eight years of continuous rule; a third law would lower the threshold for a Party to get seats in the Knesset to 2% of the popular vote.

It is unlikely that any of these three will pass. Even some members of the Coalition are loathe to pass the anti-Bibi law for fear that there will be attempts to indict anyone who wants to lead the government. Insofar as the latter law is concerned, can you imagine what will happen if the threshold is lowered to 2%? Instead of 10 parties in the Knesset, there will be 20–and a Coalition of any type will become even more difficult to form. 

The daily Corona update . . .

9,663 Israelis tested positive yesterday (out of 31,248 tested) bringing to 59,944 the number of active patients in the country.

The positive test rate was 30.92%; the coefficient of infection was 1.27%.

214 Israelis are seriously ill46 are critically ill40 of these are on ventilators.

10,919 have died.

The Anat Kamm affair . . . where is she now? . . .

You may remember that back in 2006-7, Kamm worked as an assistant in the office of the commander of the IDF Central Command. While there she illegally copied thousands of documents including (according to an eventual indictment): “operational military information, security and situation assessments, meetings’ minutes and protocols, highly sensitive intelligence information, orders of deployment and battle, drill briefings, and warfare doctrines for the West Bank.”

And then turned them over to an Israeli journalist who published them.

Kamm was arrested, charged with espionage, and convicted. She was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison which was eventually shortened to 3.4 years and finally shortened even more to 2.2 years. Since her release, she has become a “journalist.”

Yesterday she announced that she has just received for the first time a temporary journalist certificate from the Government Press Office.

So now we have a person convicted of espionage against Israel working in and around the Israel Government Press Office.


Emirates arrives . . .

The traditional welcome hosing of a new arrival.

The traditional welcome hosing of a new arrival.

Emirates Airlines landed at Ben Gurion yesterday amid much fanfare inaugurating its new route from Dubai to Tel Aviv.






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