3 Quotes of the Day

Yom Shishee


19 Tishrei 5783

October 14 2022



The News on the Israeli Street

The Friday Corona Update

786 Israelis tested positive yesterday.

The positive test rate was 6.24%; the coefficient of infection was 0.96%.

81 Israelis are seriously ill; 21 are critically ill28 of these are on ventilators.

11,712 have died–since last Friday.

While the number of those testing positive has increased as has the positive test rate and the coefficient of infection, the best news is the last number–“only” 2 people have died since last Friday.

The Friday Poll from the Maariv newspaper

(compared to last week)

For purposes of consistency, we are sticking with the Maariv poll. Other polls have different results. For example, the Channel 14 poll has Likud with 34 seats and Yesh Atid with 23; on the other hand, the Channel 12 poll has Likud with 31 and Yesh Atid with 26.

Given the nonstop positive coverage of Yair Lapid by the Israeli leftist media concerning the Lebanon “agreement” (“historic, historic historic”) it is somewhat remarkable that Lapid’s Yesh Atid Party has not risen meteorically in the polls.

Herewith the Maariv poll this morning:

32 (unchanged): Likud (Netanyahu)

24 (+1): Yesh Atid (Lapid)

13 (-1)Otzma (Ben Gvir)+National Zionism+ Noam

12 (unchanged): Kahol Levan/New Hope–renamed “State Camp (Gantz/Saar/Eizenkot)

8 (unchanged): Shas (Sephardic Orthodox)

7 (unchanged): United Torah Judaism (Ashkenazi Orthodox)

6 (unchanged): Yisrael Beiteinu (Liberman)

5 (unchanged) : Labor (Michaeli)

5 (unchanged): Meretz (Gal-On)

4 (unchanged): Hadash Tal and the Joint Arab List

4 (unchanged): Ra’am Islamic Party (Abbas)

The summary: this poll gives the Netanyahu bloc 60 seats whereas the Lapid block comes in at 60 if one includes the Joint Arab List.

It is 18 days until the election. The numbers are remarkably stable.

The War In Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem Continues 

In the last 24 hours–

Shooting attacks:

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers in Shechem (Nablus).

Palestinian terrorists opened fire at IDF soldiers near the Beit Anon Junction.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire at the Jewish community of Psagot. IDF forces raided the nearby Palestinian settlement of Al-Bira (north of Ramallah) afterwards.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire at IDF soldiers at the Dotan pillbox.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire at Israeli civilians near the Gilboa crossing.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire in Jenin opened fire on IDF soldiers. In the ensuing firefight one Palestinian was killed (by Palestinian gunfire), and two terrorists were captured.


Terrorism took place throughout eastern Jerusalem during the night. In the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood, two Israelis were seriously wounded when hit in the head by “rocks.”

Judea and Samaria:

Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli buses at Hawara south of Shechem, between Avitar and Magdalem, Halhul, in the area around Pondok, and on Road 55 between Karni Shomron and Kfar Saba near Azzun (bus driver wounded in the face).

Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli motorists on Road 443 near Beit Ur Al Fuqa, Hizma, between Homesh and Shevi Shomron, on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road north of the Shimsha Bypass, on the Hevron-Tarqumiya Road, between Tapuach and the Ariel Junction near Marda, at the Jinspot Junction in the direction of Emanuel, between Einbus Square and Yitzhar and elsewhere.

One of the most egregious attacks was at Hawara where three children were wounded:

Note the "rock" in the foreground that smashed through the window of the car wounding three children.

Note the “rock” in the foreground that smashed through the window of the car wounding three children (photo: Rescue without Borders SSF).

One of the wounded:

One of the children being treated by an IDF medic. His siblings were more grievously wounded.

One of the children being treated by an IDF medic. His siblings were more grievously wounded.

Muhammad Maher, one of the Palestinian terrorists who attacked Israelis in the Jordan Valley a few weeks ago has fortunately died of his wounds.


3 Quotes of the Day

Quote 1:

“The deal is a historic achievement in which Lebanon gained 860 sq km of territory and conceded nothing. The deal does not signify any kind of normalization [with Israel].”

President Michel Aoun of Lebanon speaking yesterday as he signed the “Agreement”

Aoun is exactly right insofar as Lebanon is concerned. Last night American “negotiator” Amos Hockstein hilariously proclaimed that Israel’s achievement in the “negotiations” was the buoy boundary line which will “legally” establish a boundary between Lebanon and Israel.

Why was Hockstein’s comment hilarious? Because the buoy boundary was already there–and Lebanon still refuses to accept it.

Part of the buoy line that extends 5 km off the coast from Rosh Hanikra. Nowhere in the Agreement does Lebanon accept this buoy line as a maritime boundary.

Part of the buoy line that extends 5 km off the coast from Rosh Hanikra. Nowhere in the Agreement does Lebanon accept this buoy line as a maritime boundary.

By the way, a group of Cabinet members from the Lapid government said today that the reason they voted for the “Agreement” was because of fear of Hezbollah.

Quote 2:

“We have not lost control, but there is no doubt that this is a very, very sensitive period. I call on all sides to calm down. The police should not use excessive force.”

“Defense” Minister Benny Gantz responding to criticism about the ongoing riots in Jerusalem.

Who is kidding whom? Obviously Israel has lost control. The self-identified Palestinians in eastern Jerusalem are running amok attacking everyone and everything– and Gantz calls on “all sides” to calm down and for the police not to use “excessive force”?

And this coming from our “Defense” Minister whose policies have directly led to the current situation.

Quote 3:

“There was no advance intelligence for the riots. We want to thwart terrorism without restricting freedom of movement of the residents of Shuafat.”

Homeland Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev.

No advance intelligence? Where has Bar-Lev been for the last two months as Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem have devolved into near anarchy?

In case you may have forgotten, Sgt. Noa Lazar was murdered at the Shuafat Checkpoint 5 days ago by a resident of Shuafat who fled into Shuafat and has yet to be captured. In attempt to capture him, Israel increased checks at the checkpoint to no avail. But what is Bar-Lev worried about? Freedom of movement for the very people who are harboring the terrorist.

And this coming from our Homeland Security Minister who has waged war on the Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem since he took office.

And so it goes in Israel today.

Shabbat Shalom!

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