Yom Reva’ee


13 Kislev 5783

December 7 2022  



Special Notice 

Your humble servant will be traveling in the Middle East, west Indian Ocean, and in southern Africa for 22 more days in some locations with very limited internet accessibility (today I am in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia). OneIsrael will appear as possible during December. Thank you for your understanding.  

The News on the Israeli Street

The war in Judea and Samaria:

Shooting attacks.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers in Jenin.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers in Shechem.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on an IDF outpost near Ofra.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on an IDF patrol near Karmi Tzur.

IED, Molotov, and “rock” attacks.

Palestinian terrorists attacked at Einbus Square in Hawara, on the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion Road near Al Khader, Al-Aruv, between Ariel and Tapuach (woman wounded), between Chomesh and Mevo Dotan, and at dozens of other locations.

Palestinian terrorists placed a gas cylinder bomb on Road 458 near the Malachi HaShalom Junction. It detonated as a bus passed, but fortunately no one was wounded.

Palestinians violently rioted near Rachel’s Tomb. Molotovs and IEDs (including high velocity marbles) were thrown and shot at our troops.

IDF forces captured 14 wanted terrorists in Hussan, Deir Istiya, and Al Bira overnight.

As a reward . . .

Unbelievably, as a reward for their terrorism, the Israel Prison system has purchased 569 new color televisions for hard-core Palestinian terrorists to watch the World Cup soccer championship.

New government negotiations drag on . . .

The latest crisis with the United Torah Judaism Party is over “Tal Law” legislation which deals with the special exemption from military service given to ultra-orthodox Jews.

Remember, dear readers, that December 11 is the deadline for PM-elect Netanyahu to form a government. He could ask for a two week extension, but that is at the discretion of President Herzog.

A final word . . .

Just to reemphasize, that your humble servant is currently out in the Indian Ocean where internet service is spotty at best. Thank you again for your patience!

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